FAQ / About


What is GTB? Is this real?


Going the Blisstance is a multimodal sci-fi/fantasy story that blurs the line between fiction and reality.


The series begins on social media where you can interact directly with the characters. 


What is Going the Blisstance about?


Time-travelers, Hillsy and Xela, return to present-day Earth eager to share about their journey in “The Blisstance,” a utopian version of the future.


Upon arrival, they find Earth in a rough spot due to disturbances within the timeline causing many people to believe the world is headed in a negative, even dystopian direction. As a result, no one buys the whole "time-traveler" thing. 


Determined to find their community and create something meaningful from the experience, Hillsy and Xela start a channel called Going the Blisstance from their new home, an outpost on the moon, where they try to bring back the future they saw through storytelling, art and vlogs from their moon base.


Tune into Going the Blisstance on YouTube to see life from the perspective of two unsuspecting time-travelers with a mission to prove there is still hope for the future.


How can I support this?


Become a beauty on Patreon to be part of the GTB story -

Access private discussions with Hillsy and Xela about the moon base and vote to help control the direction of the story. Everyone who joins at the beauty level tier + gets a “first contact” postcard from the moon base mailed to them as a thank you! :)

Join the GTB Patreon here. 
Subscribe / follow GTB on social media: 




For official GTB merch, check out the GTB Merch Store.


Thank you for your support!
Keep Going the Blisstance.
-Hillsy & Xela